Light. Spring & Spring baking.

We have new neighbours, they moved in last year and since the moved in we’ve been watching them not because we are so inquisitive and nosy but because we cannot not to see their house: it’s too close. One of the most amazing things is related to light. They have two wall sconces by the door and two, how to put it mildly, posts with light bulbs installed on top (that make their front yard parking spot narrower BTW). It’s a crazy creation of a previous owner. The posts/light bulbs supports include probably a tiny problem with the wiring, because light bulbs have tendency to die fast, so the neighbour spends fortune on new light bulbs. He’s a proud lamplighter though. Darkness comes, our neighbourgh turns the external lights on, as if the street had no lampposts. Why? We don’t know. Birds never sleep on the tree by the house of the lamplighter. (Un falotier, says the other half who is reading a book in French). So maybe that’s it, our neighbour yearns for “allumeurs de réverbères”? But why cannot he use his imagination and why has he amplify light pollution of our city? It’s not important that we cannot see the stars. He has his own lampposts that he can turn on and of. Power!!! Game of thrones!!! We started thinking of making a slingshot but it would be too obvious. So we count mostly on bad electrical installation inside these two concrete eyesores.

We went to listen to a conversation in yellow and blue, between willow trees and blue sky by lake Ontario. And then – we started thinking what would be a spring baking. Finally we came to this conclusion: cheesecake and Easter cake (a mix of European brioche/challah/ baba au rhum – bundt cake shaped). Tomorrow baking! We have fresh baker’s yeast in the fridge, so we’ll try. No cheesecake tomorrow, too much work. Or maybe…

In the meantime we are going back to discreetly watching our neighbour. Why does he need lamps that are of no use to him? Why do people don’t turn the lights off when they leave a room and don’t come back? Why we are so often asked to add gazillions of potlights and lamps if they are never used? Why are our hydro bills lower than neighbours?

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